Sunday, August 30, 2009

Una pelicula muy divertido-A very fun show

Por la noche del sábado, me decidí para recompensar a mí mismo un descanso merecido de todos los estudios (así, otro descanso ... yo había un tiempo muy divertido de nuevo con mi familia el sábado por la tarde ... afortunadamente sin lesiones en esta ocasión).

Finalmente llegué a ver la pelicula 17 Again. Personalmente, no tengo ningún deseo de tener 17 de nuevo, pero me gusta esta pelicula. Algunas de de las escenas eran predecible y tonto…pero no me reía tan duro en mucho tiempo. En serio, creo que puede dar miedo a los vecinos con los ruidos provenientes de mi apartamento.

Algunas de las líneas de Zac eran simplemente increíble, y los gestos también. Excelente trabajo de mostrar cómo, cuando uno se hace viejo ... se obtiene mucho más inteligente ... y ... un poco tontos. No me había dado cuenta de cuántas expresiones son exclusivos de los adultos.

Probablemente, lo más tonto de todo el show fue el mejor amigo/compañero/padre Ned. Su parte, fue demasiado, pero para mí, fue la guinda del pastel. Sobre todo, porque podrían estar relacionados. Hasta cierto punto. No tengo mi propio sables de luz, y todavía no han aprendido élfico ... pero el ganso que de lo contrario tiene el éxito pero tiene mariposas en el estómago que a veces parece que no tiene ningun idea, etc. Sí, bastante bien yo me reí de mi culo. (Umm, I hope Google translate knows what they are saying, because the literal translation of that last one...hmmm....apparently I had very gassy evening).

So Saturday night, I decided to treat myself to a well deserved break from all the studying (well, another break…had a blast playing with my family again Saturday afternoon…fortunately injury free this time).

I finally got around to watching 17 Again. Personally, I have no desire whatsoever to be 17 again, but I did like this show. Some of it was predictable and cheesy and what not…but I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Seriously, I think I may have scared the neighbors with the noises coming from my condo.

Some of Zac’s lines were just incredible, and the mannerism’s too. Excellent job of showing how when you get old…you get both a lot smarter…and…a bit dumber. I hadn’t realized just how many expressions are unique to adults.

Probably the cheesiest part of the whole show was the best friend/roommate/father Ned. His part was way over the top, but for me, it was the icing on the cake. Mostly, because I could relate. To an extent. Don’t have my own set of light-sabers or anything, and haven’t yet learned elvish…but the otherwise successful nerd with butterflies in his stomach who on occasion has been known to come across as though he doesn't have a clue, etc. Yeah, I pretty well laughed my ass off.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Words in Spanish...

Over the past year and a half I’ve really come to love the Spanish language, which is somewhat surprising as I was fairly biased against it growing up.

I’ve gotten to the point where often I feel like I can express myself more accurately in Spanish than in English. It’s a cool thing.

So, I’d like to share some of the cooler phrases I’ve learned, and why I like them:

¡Increíble! (een-kray-EE-blay) – This is probably my all time favorite, in part because they say it so often and with such emotion when I watch those natural disaster home video shows. Most readily translates as “incredible” but a big loud “UNBELIEVABLE!” is more accurate. Also can be substituted in a number of locations where some of us would be inclined to use the F-word.

Todo el mundo – (TOE-doe ell MOON-doe) - Used as we use the words “everyone” or “everybody.” Literally means “the entire world” or “all the world.” Makes me think of a little kid saying to his father “But Dad…the ENTIRE WORLD is doing it…”

¡Qué barbaridad! (KAY bar-bar-ee-DODD)– Translates as “How barbarous!” or more literally “What a barbarity!” I think this phrase should become common to the English language.

Genial – (hayn-YALL) - I actually dislike this one, though it is used very frequently. Used as we would say “cool” but too close to our “genial” to be very palatable to an English speaker. I like fenomenal (fay-noe-may-NALL) better. Kind of a cross between “cool” and “great.”

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Qué agradable-Wow was that nice

Yo estaba recogiendo mis cosas para ir a levantar pesas en el gimnasio por primera vez desde golpeando mi codo (haga click aquí para mi lloriqueo posterior) ... y recibí una llamada telefónica de un número desconocido. Yo estaba un poco molesto como la búsqueda de mis auriculares y mi candado había exigido una cantidad significativa de la búsqueda ... y yo estaba dispuesto a ir.

So, I was gathering my stuff together to go lift weights at the gym for the first time since banging up my elbow (click here for subsequent whining)…and I got a phone call from an unknown number. I was a little annoyed as finding my headphones and padlock had required a significant amount of searching…and I was ready to go.

Era un hombre de nuestra asociación condominio. Él me recordó que me había olvidado de pagar mis deudas. Yo era aún más molesto al escuchar esto... porque me recuerdo claramente escribir el cheque y anotándolo en mi Quicken. Él me dijo muy pacientemente que no lo había recibido... y él no quisiera cargarme nuestra cuota loco alta. Entonces, le dije que lo comprobaré. Me voy a casa y claro…yo tenía toda la razón, he escrito el cheque. Fue todavía en mi chequera.

It was a guy from our condo association, reminding me I had forgotten to pay my dues. I was even more annoyed upon hearing this…because I distinctly remembered writing that check and logging it in my Quicken. He very patiently told me he hadn’t received it…and didn’t want to have to charge me our crazy high late fee. So, I told him I’d look into it. I run into the house and yep…I was absolutely right, I did write the check. It was right there in my checkbook.

Gracias a hombre de HOA!

Thank you HOA guy!

Yes, I did GET-R-DONE-Sí, lo hice.

So, I was going to wait until I could show my actual report card, but I’m growing impatient for the actual paper to arrive.

In case you were wondering what happened to the Spanish…well…I’ve been fairly busy. To get me motivated for the CIH exam this fall…I signed up for a college course. Actually I took the same college course just over a year ago…and ended up getting a BIG FAT “F”. It was kind of a crazy time in my life to say the least.

Anyways…not the case this time around. Okay, from my grades it’s pretty obvious I over-studied a bit. But I kind of needed to.

That being said…I must admit…I was really resentful of being told what to do…and not at least getting paid for it.

I would like to continue with the master's program…but I probably won’t take another course for another 6 months or so as CIH exam prep is pretty demanding…and I would like to have some semblance of a life…

But it does feel great to have that class done…and I think translating my most recent posts should be fairly entertaining!

Yo iba a esperar hasta que pude mostrar mi tarjeta de memoria real, pero estoy demasiado impaciente para esperar para el papel.

En el caso que se preguntan qué pasó con el español ... bueno ... he estado bastante ocupado. Para obtener mi motivación para el examen CIH de este otoño ... me inscribí en un curso universitario. Realmente tomé el mismo curso de la universidad hace más de un año ... y terminó recibiendo un "F" GRANDE. Mi vida era un poco loco entonces.

De todos modos no es el caso esta vez. Bueno, de mi grado que es bastante obvio que he estudiado un poco más. Pero fue necesario.

Dicho esto, debo admitir que yo estaba muy resentido de que se me diga qué hacer ... y no, al menos, que me pagó por él.

Me gustaría continuar con el programa de maestría ... pero probablemente no va a tomar otro curso para otros 6 meses como la preparación del examen CIH es muy exigente ... y me gustaría tener cierta apariencia de una vida ...

Pero me siento muy bueno para la clase ha terminado. ¡Y la traducción de mis mensajes más recientes ... debe ser my divertido!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I know I could just delete my last post if I wanted it does seem rather bizarre to me at this point. But I find it intriguing...and the monkey is way cute.

I watched this documentary on primates a few weeks ago that I thought was kind of cool...but there was no crap flinging or anything. I did drink a beer last night while watching part of a movie about crazy people...but who knows.

It's strange how sometimes it can be hard to get back in touch with reality after a weird dream. When I was in scouts, I had a friend wake up in the middle of the night screaming his hair was on fire during the middle of this really terrific rain storm. It was an overnight canoe trip and we were all out in the open air except for this plastic tarp someone thought to bring. My friend had thrown the tarp off of everybody in his panic to put out his hair.

Unfortunately, when I woke I had no memory of the rain storm...or my friend's panic attack. So...I kind of had a panic attack of my own. Upon waking, all this twelve year old knew for certain...was that I was wet and warm...

Primate Adventure-aka SHIT!

It’s not uncommon for me to have incredibly vivid dreams. Well, I had one last night…that on some levels is probably best forgotten, but I think it’s too funny not to share.

We had a big family get together this weekend, and perhaps that influenced my dream. Anyways, I dreamed the family (including my Nelson cousins who were my best buds growing up) went to the zoo and got to go on a new special primate adventure. It was really cool, at first it was like watching donkey kong come to life, with these primates swinging through the trees in their jungle environment. Well, the adventure, was that you you got to join the primates…and experience playing in the jungle with them first hand. The safety guy in me thought…ooohh…this is dangerous, but it looked like fun!

So we gear up and enter the cages and what not…but no primates. Just monkey poop every where. Well, I think the primates were some sort of ape, but monkey poop sounds nicer than ape shit. So yeah, we swing through the jungle, looking for primates…and all we find are their remains. There was even this pond you could swim through…that the primates just LOVED to play in. You guessed it…floaters everywhere. Somehow Linda and Blair’s old house was in the exhibit too…covered with…yeah...on the floor, on the walls, in the kitchen...

So we went through this shower toward the end, but it wasn’t especially effective…and eventually I woke up at 2:30 in the morning terrified that I would always be covered with ape shit. There was a highlight to this. Right after the shower (in the dream) we actually did finally get to see some primates. But they were rather strange. Imagine the cutest monkey you’ve ever seen…crossed with a zucchini…and that speaks English. I think…don’t quite remember what they were talking about.

Unfortunately, after waking up worried about being covered in shit…I had an OH SHIT experience. No, PJs are perfectly clean. More of one of those “wake and worry” ‘cause when you woke up you immediately thought of something you didn’t think of before…that maybe was really important. So, the rest of my morning pretty well sucked. Too tired to be able to think things through better and realize that there is no point to worrying…but too worried to actually sleep.

Feeling much better now…worry-wise at least…but kind of a crappy way to spend a morning:)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It’s just not fair…

So, yeah, I banged up my elbow pretty badly over the weekend. My safety record is pretty good considering this is probably the most serious injury I’ve had…since I was like 3 years old.

Well, this week at work insult was added to injury. Literally. Talk about a double standard. Apparently, the safety guy is not allowed to get hurt. Even my friend Dusty started laughing when he saw my bandage.

To all my coworkers (who may or may not even realize this blog exists)…I have this to say: Think of all the times I have been there for you. Think of all the times I came rushing to your aid when you got injured at work, and often even drove you to the hospital myself. And think of all the times I’ve done my best to make sure we could find some light duty job for you to do because of that dumb thing you thing you did at home…because you were…well…let’s face it…more than a little wasted. In all those occasions, did I ever once laugh at you or worse…call you a DUMB ASS?

Well, come to think of it. I probably did. But I never did it to your face…

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Very Fine Week Indeed

Wow did I have a good time this past week. There is no question I am blessed when it comes to family. My mom coming home was every bit as wonderful as I thought it would be (and my expectations were rather high considering I was so excited I couldn’t fall asleep until somewhere between 2 and 3 a.m. Monday night.).

It was so awesome to spend so much time with Lani and Steve! Well, and with everybody! Timpanogas cave was great (even with the niece and nephews’ last minute wimp out and my old man knees on the way down). The baby shower…exciting stuff! Lani and Steve are going to be awesome parents.

Not sure if I buy into the Korean culture enough to start using a Korean pillow, but all the souvenirs were way cool too. Never thought my parents would own a GONG…

Well…something bad did happen this past week. On Friday night, just before Lani and Steve said their final good-byes prior to heading back to Germany, I experienced what is probably the worst injury yet sustained in my adult life. Not much more than a minute into a basketball game with Randy, Jared and Steve, I went chasing after the ball and somehow managed to take a dive into the parents’ driveway. Not a cool thing when you leave a skid mark made of your own skin on the concrete. Don’t expect skin grafts will be needed, but I will likely have a scar on my left elbow for the rest of my life…and may be a while before I can participate fully in yoga again.

On the plus side, looks like I’ll always have a story to tell about that exciting week spent playing with my family:)

The pillow. Essentially, a decorated rock...but it does have a cool spot for stashing your money.

My bro laughing at me while I try out the pillow. No it is NOT comfortable, contrary to the smile on my face.

Baby sister expecting a baby.

Caleb beating up Grandpa Johnny