Monday, February 15, 2010

Zeke's Goals

Oh man, I've been meaning to blog about my goals for quite some time. Yes, I did set some for 2010, and I think they are pretty good ones. I kind of wanted to wait until I felt I'd made at least a little bit of progress on each before posting anything...and I've definitely made progress...well at least on some of them:)

#2 Make people more of a priority
#3 Achieve better control of my worrying
#4 Keep sharpening the saw
#5 Be creative

Okay, for those who are in the loop, yes...I have been a bit obsessive about goal #1. It's a little scary, but also very exciting. More to come on that.

Goal #2, I think goal #1 may help a bit, but it's more than just a social networking thing. It's also about enhancing existing relationships...and learning to be less wrapped up in me.

Goal #3. Since I've been so caught up with goal #1, been reasonably asymptomatic. Well, definitely not worrying about the same old things. But, a little therapy with myself now and then is not a bad thing. Really did find some cool books on this one.

Goal #4, regarding sharpening the saw. The phrase "keep at it" only works when your habits are essentially already where you would like them to be. Fortunately, that's pretty much where I'm at with the exercise thing and all...and it feels pretty darn good. Developing my mind etc., been a little distracted by that darn goal #1, but still keeping at it.

Goal #5. Hmmm...not a whole lot of progress. Well, I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to be creative when I'm a little further along with goal #1.
