Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I love Monday nights!

No, I am not talking about Monday night football. But, Monday is a great night for television.

A few months back, my little brother Randy told me about a show he thought would be right up my alley. I was a bit skeptical, but decided to record it with my DVR. Now I’m addicted. It’s called “The Big Bang Theory.” It’s about a bunch of PhDs and their dysfunctional social lives. No, I do not have a PhD nor do I intend to ever get one, but considering that I am in the middle of what is probably (hopefully) the nerdiest activity of my entire life…it was an excellent recommendation. It’s always nice to know you have at least one night a week to just laugh your ass off.

Thanks Randy!


  1. Awesome. Glad you like it. Have you read the Chuck Lorres production # stuff. Sometimes they are funny.

  2. I knew you would like it. The Chuck Lorres production # is at the end of every big bang theory episode. Most of the time you have to pause it to be able to read it.
