Monday, December 7, 2009

'Tis Official...

When I got home from work on Friday and checked my mail, I found one of the keys for the “big package box” among the usual ads and junk mail. A little surprised, as it was a bit early to be getting Christmas packages, and I couldn’t think of any recent online purchases.

Well, I open up the big box and there’s this big-ass envelope labeled “DO NOT BEND.” I look a little more closely, and it is addressed to (my full name) followed by the letters “CIH.”

Yes, in safety geek lore, it was the big moment we all talk about. Used to be, the exam didn’t have any preliminary results whatsoever, and you simply obsessively checked the mail (sometimes for months) hoping to discover the letter had arrived. At that moment, the gratification (or lack thereof) was instantaneous. If on the letter it said CIH after your name, you had reason to smile. If not…time to hit the books. I was a bit luckier, as I did know my “preliminary result.” That being said, it was still rather special to see the magic letters.

CIH. Certified Industrial Hygienist. If it doesn’t mean much to you, don’t feel bad. I had never even heard the term “industrial hygiene” until near the end of my second year in college. Considering it was to become my major (well, major emphasis, Public Health was my official major), I find that lack of knowledge rather intriguing. How many people major in something they’d never heard of before entering school?

Since I’ve made such a big deal over all this, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to explain what this means to my career, etc. Considering where I’m at professionally, the truth is, the letters aren’t all that important. At least not right now…other than they do give me a little more job security. However, if I decide to look for greener pastures, they could be very significant, especially if I get involved in consulting…or decide to go after a government funded job. For now though, the main benefit was the certification process itself. Sounds strange to say considering how much I disliked (okay…resented) spending hour after hour with my head in a book.

When I took the exam, it was rather cool. I had feared I would leave discouraged and overwhelmed, but such was not the case. It was a tough exam, and yes, it did exhaust me. But my feelings upon leaving the exam were somewhat different than anticipated. I left with the feeling that I had set out to master a very sizable body of knowledge…and succeeded in my goal.

My job still does present new challenges to me each day, and probably always will. But, and this is the cool part, I feel like I am better prepared to face them. I may not always have the answers right away…but I know much better how to find them. Feeling good about what I do…and doing it well. THAT is what this has proven to be really about.


  1. Well...THAT and having this project the hell behind me:)

  2. Congrats bro! Hey its Big Bang Theory night :)
