Saturday, May 1, 2010

Diez años

Well, this week is kind of an unusual milestone in my life. It is now ten years since I graduated from college, and as of Wednesday it will be 10 years that I’ve been working as a safety geek.

Can’t help but ask the question…have my endeavors over the past 10 years really been worthwhile?

I think my answer is both yes and no. Career wise…I’ve progressed as well as I ever expected. I’ve learned so much about “the real world” and a lot about me as well. I’ve found I’m capable of a lot more than I imagined. The shy kid who was scared to death to run a cash register at Arby’s now directly manages 4 people and indirectly manages about 200. I have a job that is much more challenging…and at least some of the time…even more fulfilling than expected. And the fact is…sorry if this is a bit boastful…I’m really good at what I do.

I’m also pretty happy with where I’m at financially. I have the American dream…a beautiful home…two vehicles in the garage…a stable income and money in the bank…with my only significant debt…a fairly reasonable mortgage.

Not bad. But far from perfect. It took me a LONG time to get here…and I made some really dumb moves along the way. The biggest one…I chose to learn the hard way that just because you CAN afford a certain lifestyle…doesn’t mean you really WANT to. Let’s face it, getting myself stuck in a condo in Tooele with two rather sizeable car payments. Not smart. And then, after I get the cars paid off to have the condo association turn around and bar any new rentals…when I was finally ready to move. Uggh!

I also think I need to face the fact that I’ve been a bit too focused on my career…and it’s basically backfired on me. The more you prove you can do…the more they ask of you. Well, it’s not just that. As I’ve gotten better at what I do I now recognize so many different things I “should” do…that before…never really hit the radar. The fact is, this past month…has been one of the most challenging of the past decade. Work-wise at least.

Fortunately, there are solutions. The fact is…I really am at a spot in my life where I can say…this job thing…it’s going to be win-win…or it’s no deal. There are greener pastures…and if necessary…I can and will graze elsewhere. I’m very grateful I didn’t overspend on my home. Kind of cool…as I’ve reached this new spot in my life (thank God I’m no longer trapped in Tooele) both myself and my boss have come to recognize that old Zekers really is overworked…and that can only be tolerated for so long. I got authorization this past week to hire (contract out) whatever additional help I need. I’m a little nervous about hiring strangers who may show me I don’t know quite as much as I think I do…and having even more people to supervise…but I think I’m up to the challenge…

I hope I am:)

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