Friday, September 25, 2009

Way too close to home…

So last night, after running about a mile and a half and entering my “cool down” walk, I came across something unexpected. This lady police officer parks next to another police car and proceeds toward the house kiddie-corner across the street from me holding a gun and using her police car as “shelter.”

Part of me wanted to hide behind a bush and watch the action, but the (perhaps wiser) safety pro in me decided maybe I wasn’t tired of running after all considering how far stray bullets can travel (I actually started thinking about the Kent State shootings). Well, I booked it for about ½ a block until I landed on my knee wrong, then I just walked fast and endured the pain. My knee is doing just fine now, but the situation I had walked into was definitely one worth getting away from.

Reading the news this morning I got the story. It’s not a good one. This guy who lives about 3 blocks from my condo had shot his wife, with his daughter watching. He had been momentarily resisting arrest at the time I stumbled upon the scene.

I wish I could say this is the first time something so tragic has happened. Well, this is the first time I’ve ever scene a cop go in to lock and load, but domestic violence has been close by at least two times before while living in the Tooele Valley. When I first moved to Tooele, I lived about 3 blocks from the court house when a guy bludgeoned his wife to death with a screw driver in the courthouse parking lot. Then, when I lived in Grantsville for a while, this guy had chased his wife into a nearby restaurant (about 3 blocks away from where I lived) and shot her and the restaurant owner before turning the gun on himself.

Tooele is a really nice place to live…but apparently not if you have issues with your spouse and live within 3 blocks of me.

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