It’s called Shewolf by Shakira. Shakira is an incredibly talented Hispanic artist (definite plus in my book) who has also released albums in English. BTW, her English is pretty much perfect, so if it wasn’t for the Spanish tracks on the album…you might never know.
So yeah, to the point now where her singing pretty much blows me away. My only complaint…is that her songs are a little TOO catchy. The title track (which appears on the album 3 times if you count the Spanish version) has been stuck in my head pretty much non-stop for the past 24 hours. Ah well…

i love shakira. especially her early stuff. she did a mtv awards show in spain or something and she does belly dancing that is awesome. love her. shewolf took awhile for me to get used to also. but now i love it. but her earlier stuff is the best. laundry service (album) is good too.