Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I love Monday nights!

No, I am not talking about Monday night football. But, Monday is a great night for television.

A few months back, my little brother Randy told me about a show he thought would be right up my alley. I was a bit skeptical, but decided to record it with my DVR. Now I’m addicted. It’s called “The Big Bang Theory.” It’s about a bunch of PhDs and their dysfunctional social lives. No, I do not have a PhD nor do I intend to ever get one, but considering that I am in the middle of what is probably (hopefully) the nerdiest activity of my entire life…it was an excellent recommendation. It’s always nice to know you have at least one night a week to just laugh your ass off.

Thanks Randy!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thanks Butch!

Well, last night I had my last session with Butch. In case you are unclear what I’m talking about, Butch is the name of the personal trainer I hired through Gold’s gym. Technically Butch isn’t his real name, but that is what he likes to be called…and he fits the name perfectly. Other than…he’s probably a lot sweeter guy than the name would suggest. Doesn’t mean he didn’t work me hard though…he was one heck of a trainer.

It’s pricey hiring a personal trainer. I had mine for about a ½ dozen sessions over the course of six weeks, and it was about $200 bucks. But for me, it was definitely money well spent. I haven’t quite yet added the 10 pounds muscle mass I’m shooting for, but in six weeks I gained 8 pounds. I was sure it was pure muscle, as the blubber on my belly seemed to have shrunk down (I’ll confess, I even noticed I was getting in the habit of checking myself out in the mirror whenever I took my shirt off), but I did a body fat test and I’m actually about the same percent body fat as before I started working out. I figure I’ve gained about 6 pounds of muscle and 2 pounds of fat. Really caught me off guard, ‘cause I feel so much stronger…and feel so much better about my appearance. Maybe the extra muscle helps balance things out better…or…maybe I just feel so good I don’t care if I’m a little chunky.

The important thing to me is just feeling so good. I think. Anyway, I do feel good, and I hope exercising (including weight lifting) just becomes part of my lifestyle. I have a friend at work who over the course of about six months changed from beer belly Joe to muscular slim Jim (not his real names). I asked him about his workouts and what not, and he told me he had been having really bad anxiety issues. His doctor had instructed him to work out. I thought he’d taken up running, but actually he had changed his diet a bit (quit drinking alcohol) and started lifting weighs. Says that now, he doesn’t struggle with anxiety at all.

Pretty rare that I experience anxiety, but it does seem to be part of my nature to be prone to worry…or at least get nervous, and weight lifting has definitely helped. Though, tonight I am a bit nervous. My boss was scheduled to deliver a presentation at a professional conference in SLC this Friday. Just found out…he’s been called out of town and the honor is now mine. Not too bad, just a room of 40 or 50 people with master’s degrees and PhDs in the subject I’m speaking on! Well, I am telling them about where I work everyday so maybe I have an advantage…oh, and my boss was kind enough to have written the presentation materials for me. But, as far scary things go…

Ah well. I had a good workout tonight…and…I’ll survive…I hope.

Friday, October 9, 2009

I love you mom!

About a week ago my mom had knee surgery (yes, I do have her genes…and bad knees). Anyway, I got this really cool phone call from her shortly afterward. She wanted to let me know she’d gotten through the surgery okay and to let me know that she loved me. Well, what was really neat is how many times she told me she loved me during the phone call. I’m thinking at least a dozen. Granted, she was fairly medicated and probably had had quite a bit of anxiety associated with the surgery, but it was cool and good to hear from her.

Well, I spoke with her again last night. She is doing much better and getting around just fine. We had a good chat. I told her about my car breaking down on Tuesday and how much I’d stressed over whether or not to buy a new car. Decided I definitely DO NOT want car payments again anytime soon and that gambling with another $1500 or so invested in repairing old blue was the best bet. We also talked about my step dad being sick, and how when I’d talked with him Tuesday night he had seemed confused (he answered her cell phone-and when I asked to speak with my mom after a good chat, gave me the number to his cell phone to call her). She told me that after I spoke with him, he’d told her (my mom) one of her sisters had called, so no mention of me or my whining about my car. He’s a sharp guy…so definitely on the sick side that night.

Our conversation last night ended with my mom telling me she loved me again, and since I’d teased her about the conversation the previous week, she tried to tell me she loved me a few extra times in saying goodbye. Unfortunately, I hit the wrong button on my cell phone and hung up on her right in the middle of an “I love you.” Oops. So mom, if you read this: Sorry for hanging up…and I love you too.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Very Educational Weekend

Well, I guess this past weekend was educational. Perhaps too educational. Yep, studying for the CIH. I’m really glad I’ve gotten the ball rolling on this one so well, but I came to realize this weekend that maybe cutting back on the studying isn’t such a bad idea. It’s sad. I actually spent much of the weekend sleeping trying to avoid getting sick because I wore myself out Friday night taking a practice exam. No question life should be more fun than that. Fortunately it usually is.

Last weekend was a little better, though I did study a lot then too. I’ve been a little discouraged about blogging recently. Kind of sucked last Sunday when I went to tell my family about stumbling upon a crime scene...and they already knew the whole story from reading my earlier blog. And...kind of disappointed I don’t feel like I have time to write in Spanish. Ah well.

The majority of my blog today is about my weekend two weeks ago, which was fun, a lot more interesting than the last two, and unquestionably educational even if I didn’t study one iota. So, about that weekend...

My little bro John came to visit from Idaho. He doesn’t head this way very often, and it was really good to spend some time with him. He hadn’t been to see the kids in a long time, so I ended up meeting up with him at my sister’s house. It was interesting to see how the kids reacted to him. John looks a lot like me (Jenna even goes so far as to call him my twin-11 years difference and half-sibling status notwithstanding...and I don't think I was every quite that skinny...though probably pretty close), but he was still somewhat of a stranger to the kids. Jairen hit things off with him great, but the younger ones took their time warming up. It was kind of sad that none of them wanted to sit by him when we went out to eat at Carls’ Jr., but he could tell they were just being shy, and didn’t feel too bad when Josh, upon realizing his seat was next to John’s, rather than sitting down asked the question “Do I have to?” and being told no, chose a seat 3 tables away. I do feel bad about joking with Jasen that John bites. Rationally, I’m sure Jasen knew I was joking…but my comment certainly didn’t help things.

Another highlight of the visit to my sister’s house was that I finally got to hold baby Jordan. What a precious little guy. Lucky to have all those older siblings, and beloved by all, though we did almost forget and leave him in the car when we went to Carls’ Jr.

After going to eat, we went on a hike while Apryl fed Jordan. We hiked up to the cross at the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon. It was fun, but proved to be a lot steeper going down than anticipated. It was a bit scary thinking I would fall on my butt and slide down the mountain at any moment...dragging my nephew Justin (who was holding my hand for support) with me.

Later that evening the kids decided they wanted John and I to spend the night. But John wanted to go see my place, and one thing led to another and it was determined to have a slumber party at Uncle Zeke’s condo. At first Jasen didn’t want to come...because of scary Uncle John, but eventually he warmed up to the idea. We had a fun time. Stayed up late watching Johnny English that night, then the kids watched the Simpsons with John while I went to the gym the following morning. Could barely walk within the condo with air mattresses and blankets strewn across just about every inch of floor space, but it was all good. On the way to take the kids home, we took my Durango up over the Oquirrh mountains and looked down on the copper mine. Very fun, but as you can see from the photo…rather cold. A very long drive that way too. We were all pretty well starving by the time we stopped at Wendy’s in South Jordan.

So, after dropping the kids (and John) off at Apryl’s, I had my educational moment. My sister and brother-in-law are freaking amazing. Taking care of kids is incredibly hard work. I was having fun when we went on our adventures so I didn’t notice until they were over just how utterly exhausted I was. It was like the moment I left my sister’s house...bam...just wanted to be back home and go straight to bed. I even called up my brother Randy and told him I wouldn’t make it for Sunday dinner after all because I was so tired. Fortunately, on my drive home I found recovery strength and ended up heading north to have a great evening at the parents’ house. Even had enough energy to join Mom, John, Randy, Jenna, Jared and Liz in playing with the entertainment center (ten month old nephew Caleb).