I’ve gotten to the point where often I feel like I can express myself more accurately in Spanish than in English. It’s a cool thing.
So, I’d like to share some of the cooler phrases I’ve learned, and why I like them:
¡Increíble! (een-kray-EE-blay) – This is probably my all time favorite, in part because they say it so often and with such emotion when I watch those natural disaster home video shows. Most readily translates as “incredible” but a big loud “UNBELIEVABLE!” is more accurate. Also can be substituted in a number of locations where some of us would be inclined to use the F-word.
Todo el mundo – (TOE-doe ell MOON-doe) - Used as we use the words “everyone” or “everybody.” Literally means “the entire world” or “all the world.” Makes me think of a little kid saying to his father “But Dad…the ENTIRE WORLD is doing it…”
¡Qué barbaridad! (KAY bar-bar-ee-DODD)– Translates as “How barbarous!” or more literally “What a barbarity!” I think this phrase should become common to the English language.
Genial – (hayn-YALL) - I actually dislike this one, though it is used very frequently. Used as we would say “cool” but too close to our “genial” to be very palatable to an English speaker. I like fenomenal (fay-noe-may-NALL) better. Kind of a cross between “cool” and “great.”

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