Hay una chica negra en mi barrio que es muy amable y quizás, un poco extraño. Ella es muy extrovertido. Una tarde, llegó a mi hogar y sonó el timbre de mi puerta. Miré por el agujero en la puerta, y observé que ella tuvo muchas flores. No deseo abrir la puerta porque me parece que intentó venderme las flores. Sin embargo, porque ella era una chica muy agradable, abrí la puerta.
Me sorprendió agradablemente. Ella no deseó vendermé las flores. En vez de eso, explicó que era a empezar una peticíon para salvar el planeta, quería tener una flor como un regalo para recordar cómo la tierra es hermosa.
The time has arrived for me to learn to include photos in my blog. This week, I had a an experience that was kind of interesting and suprising.
There is a black girl in my neighborhood that is very friendly, and perhaps a little strange. One afternoon, she arrived at my home and rang the doorbell. I looked through the whole in my door, and observed she had a bunch of flowers. I did not want to open the door, because I thought she wanted to sell flowers to me. However, because she is a really nice girl, I opened the door.
I was pleasantly surprised. Instead, she explained that she was starting a petitition to save the planet, and she wanted me to have a flower as a gift to remember how beautiful the earth is.
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