Well, I'm finally writing again. These photos are from my most recent home improvement project, fixin' up the master bath. Seems like every time I plan to write, I find myself doing something I enjoy better (playing the piano, reading, watching tv, etc.). Ah well.
I really enjoy projects around the house (at least every now and then), though they can be a lot of work, and this one had its share of effort. The old paint wasn't so bad color-wise, but it was a pretty half ass cover-up of what went before (and unfortunately showed through here and there)... and that was pretty hideous. The lady who lived here a few years back had painted the bathroom pink and bordered it with pine green plaid wallpaper (really!).
So, after putting up the blue tape and the plastic tarps I sanded everything down.

It was the first time I painted a room with vaulted ceilings. Fortunatley I bought one of those little giant knock off ladders about a year ago, and it worked out pretty well.
I also bought one of those slick adjustable paint roller extender poles which came in handy too.
After finishing the paint job, I replaced the sink. The old one had a really bad rust spot and looked pretty nasty, so I went for porcelain this time. I also replaced all the corroded brass fixtures with brushed nickel, and installed a new light. I also painted the mirror white. Not huge changes, but enough to make things look a little more classy, and I really like my "new" bathroom.